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Average velocity in streams is a key variable for the analysis and modelling of hydrological and hydraulic processes underpinning water resources science and practice. The present study evaluates the impact of the sampling duration on the quality of average velocity measurements acquired with contemporary instruments such as Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADV) an Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP). The evaluation combines considerations on turbulent flows and principles and configurations of acoustic instruments with practical experience in conducting customized analysis for uncertainty analysis purposes. The study sheds new insights on the spatial and temporal variability of the uncertainty in the measurement of average velocities due to variable sampling durations acting in isolation from other sources of uncertainties. Sampling durations of 90 and 150 s are found sufficient for ADV and ADCP, respectively, to obtain reliable average velocities in a flow affected only by natural turbulence and instrument noise. Larger sampling durations are needed for measurements in most of the natural streams exposed to additional sources of data variability.  相似文献   
烃源岩中的有机酸来源于有机质,但有机质具有不同的赋存形式,有机酸具有不同性质,这将影响有机酸与不同赋存有机质的关系,进而影响分离和检测方法。文章在总结前人对有机质赋存形式和有机酸性质等特征的基础上,提出烃源岩中的有机酸并以非单一的形式存在,具有水溶性、脂溶性和难溶性有机酸三种类型,游离有机质中存在水溶性和脂溶性有机酸,而结合有机质中存在水溶性、脂溶性和难溶性有机酸。因此在检测方法上需采取分步分离的方法,且根据有机酸的性质选取合适的检测方法,即水溶性有机酸利用离子色谱检测,索氏抽提得到的脂溶性有机酸利用气相色谱—质谱检测,通过酸解抽提残渣得到的难溶性有机酸利用红外光谱检测,全面系统地认识烃源岩中有机酸含量和类型等特征。这对进一步探讨烃源岩各种类型有机酸特征和演化规律,深化烃源岩有机质生烃以及有机—无机相互作用等机理都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
根据Aqua MODIS 2级云产品和Cloudsat的2级产品资料,结合降水数据和MODIS L1B级辐射率数据,对发生在京津冀地区夏季的三次强降水过程中冰云的宏微观物理量的特征进行分析,并探究这些物理量和降水强度的关系。结果表明:在水平分布中,强降水过程中降水强度高值区内云相为冰云,冰云云顶高度在8~17 km,冰云粒子有效半径、冰云光学厚度、冰水路径分别最高可达60 μm、 150、 5 000 g?m-2;冰云光学厚度、冰水路径、冰云云顶高度随降水强度增大而增大。在垂直分布中,冰云主要分布在3.5 km以上,发生强降水站点的冰云为深对流云,冰云粒子有效半径、冰水含量、冰云粒子数浓度分别最高可达150 μm、 3 000 mg?m-3 、 500 L-1;冰云粒子有效半径高值区存在于云层中下部,且随高度上升而减小,冰云粒子数浓度高值区存在于云层中上部,且随高度上升而增加,冰水含量高值区则存在于云层中部;冰云粒子有效半径、冰水含量、冰云粒子数浓度在9 km以上随降水强度增大而增大。  相似文献   
基于正交匹配追踪的声层析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
声速剖面的变化会对声传播产生较大的影响,经验正交函数模型经常用来实现对声速剖面数据的简化描述。然而在内波、湍流等海水不均匀性存在时,这种正则化操作会造成声速重构精度的大幅降低。本文利用字典学习生成声速剖面的非正交原子,在稀疏编码时采用正交匹配追踪(OMP,Orthogonal Matching Pursuit)算法,更新字典则使用KSVD (Kernel Singular Value Decomposition)的字典更新算法。由于字典学习不需要强制使用正交条件,对于训练数据更加灵活,从而可以使用少数的原子组合达到更高的重构精度。利用一次浅海声学实验多次测量的声速剖面研究了海水声速剖面的经验正交函数表示和字典学习,研究表明:相比于正交函数表示,学习字典可以利用少数原子(甚至一个原子)更好的解释声速剖面扰动。字典学习可以提高声速剖面的稀疏性,从而提高声速剖面的反演精度。  相似文献   
颗粒物粒径分布(Particle Size Distribution, PSD)代表了颗粒物浓度与颗粒物粒径之间的关系, 影响着海洋生态环境和水体光学特性等。文章基于2016年夏季航次调查的生物光学剖面数据, 研究了南海海盆海域PSD的分布特征。研究发现, 幂律函数可以较好地拟合南海海盆区域的PSD, 对数空间中的实测的PSD与模拟的PSD平均决定系数高达0.95。PSD斜率(ξ)的分布范围为[1.27, 7.65], 均值为3.93±0.56。南海海盆区域表层水体的ξ均值与全球大洋表层水体的ξ均值相近, 但高于海湾等表层水体的ξ均值。ξ能较好地表征颗粒物平均粒径DA的大小, 两者存在明显负相关关系, 即ξ值越高, DA越小; 反之, DA越大。通过分析T1断面的生物光学剖面数据及总体平均的PSD剖面数据, 发现PSD剖面分布特征如下: 1)表层水体的ξ值相对较高, 且DA值相对较低, 推测可能是由于微微型藻类为主导颗粒物所致; 2) ξ值极小值层出现在次表层叶绿素浓度极大值层(Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum Layer, SCML)中, 并伴随DA极大值层的出现, 其原因可能是SCML中的大粒径浮游植物占比显著增加; 3)弱光层中的ξ值较SCML中的高, 但略低于表层的ξ值, 而DA则位于表层与SCML的DA之间, 这可能与浮游植物及其碎屑的絮凝、分解、沉降等过程相关。PSD特征影响着海水的固有光学特性, 分析发现: 由于SCML中的叶绿素浓度增加, 颗粒物散射系数(bp(532))和颗粒物后向散射系数(bbp(532))也相应呈现显著增加的趋势。弱光层中的平均bp(532)与平均bbp(532)最小。ξ与颗粒物衰减光谱斜率之间呈高分散性, Boss 等(2001b)的模型适合用于粗略估算区域性的ξ分布范围及均值。  相似文献   
介绍了一种液压驱动贯入式海底沉积声学原位测量系统的电路控制单元的研究实现过程,以及该控制单元在南海北部海底沉积声学调查中的应用。该电路控制单元以Cortex-A8处理器为核心,集成大容量FLASH存储器,与单片机接口控制板进行串口通讯,实现对声学发射采集单元和机械液压贯入单元的可视化控制和监测。基于该电路控制单元,海底底质声学原位测量系统兼具自容式和在线式两种工作模式,可自容记录或实时采集声学原位测量单元在海底的工作状态数据、海底沉积物声速和声衰减系数等声学特性数据。该声学原位测量系统的实验室联调及南海海试结果表明,使用该电路控制单元对海底底质声学测量过程的监测与控制是有效的,对精确获取海底底质的原位声学特性有重要作用,可以促进海底底质声学原位测量系统的产品化。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种适用于北极冰下水声通信的最小均方/四次方直接自适应均衡器(LMS/F-DAE)。它能处理基带复信号,与LMS相比,具有更好的均衡效果。考虑到均衡器的稀疏特性,在其代价函数中加入自适应范数(AN)作为约束。它能根据均衡器系数的大小自适应变化:对于小系数,此约束项存在以加快收敛速度;对于大系数,此约束项不存在以减小均衡误差。利用第九次中国北极科学考察得到的实验数据验证AN-LMS/F-DAE的性能。结果表明,与传统的LMS/F-DAE相比,AN-LMS/F-DAE能提升均衡器的稀疏性且均衡性能更优。  相似文献   
利用湿法纺丝技术制备了琼胶/SiO2复合纤维,对琼胶分子在溶液中的分散性、纺丝液流变性、纤维的形貌、化学结构分别用DLS、旋转黏度计、SEM、FTIR和XRD进行了表征,并对纤维的力学性能、热性能和吸湿性能进行了测定。研究结果表明:琼胶分子在溶液中呈纳米尺度分布,纺丝液具有良好的流动性;琼胶/纳米SiO2复合纤维具有良好的形态。随着纳米SiO2的添加量逐渐提高,复合纤维的力学拉伸强度先增强后降低,复合纤维的吸水性降低,复合纤维的热稳定性逐渐增强。结合复合纤维综合性能,纳米SiO2的最佳添加质量分数为0.5%。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(3):362-368
Gas hydrate is one kind of potential energy resources that is buried under deep seafloor or frozen areas. The first trial offshore production from the silty reservoir was conducted in the South China Sea by the China Geological Survey (CGS). During this test, there were many unique characteristics different from the sand reservoir, which was believed to be related to the clayed silt physical properties. In this paper, simulation experiments, facilities analysis, and theoretical calculation were used to confirm the hydrate structure, reservoir thermo-physical property, and bond water movement rule. And the behavior of how they affected production efficiency was analyzed. The results showed that: It was reasonable to use the structure I rather than structure II methane hydrate phase equilibrium data to make the production plan; the dissociation heat absorbed by hydrate was large enough to cause hydrate self-protection or reformation depend on the reservoir thermal transfer and gas supply; clayed silt got better thermal conductivity compared to coarse grain, but poor thermal convection especially with hydrate; clayed silt sediment was easy to bond water, but the irreducible water can be exchanged to free water under high production pressure, and the most obvious pressure range of water increment was 1.9–4.9 MPa.  相似文献   
A most fundamental and far-reaching trait of geographic information is the distinction between extensive and intensive properties. In common understanding, originating in Physics and Chemistry, extensive properties increase with the size of their supporting objects, while intensive properties are independent of this size. It has long been recognized that the decision whether analytical and cartographic measures can be meaningfully applied depends on whether an attribute is considered intensive or extensive. For example, the choice of a map type as well as the application of basic geocomputational operations, such as spatial intersections, aggregations or algebraic operations such as sums and weighted averages, strongly depend on this semantic distinction. So far, however, the distinction can only be drawn in the head of an analyst. We still lack practical ways of automation for composing GIS workflows and to scale up mapping and geocomputation over many data sources, e.g. in statistical portals. In this article, we test a machine-learning model that is capable of labeling extensive/intensive region attributes with high accuracy based on simple characteristics extractable from geodata files. Furthermore, we propose an ontology pattern that captures central applicability constraints for automating data conversion and mapping using Semantic Web technology.  相似文献   
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